Thursday, August 19, 2010

Teenage Boys

This post is dedicated to all of my sisters out there.
Somethings in life we just can't help.
Today I stopped by the Walgreen's down the street from my house. I had to get a package of feminine products. I walked in, selected my items, then went in search of a cashier. Now, usually, when purchasing such products, I will look for a female cashier. Today, no luck. The only cashiers were teenage looking boys. The pharmacist in the back was also male. So, lucky me, I get to use a teenage boy cashier. I approach the counter, the boy looks up from his computer and smiles, until he sees what is in my hands. His expression went from one of professional courtesy to the deer in the headlights look. Poor guy. I understand. I could tell from his expression that there was no way he was going to ask me how my day was going.
So I asked him, "So how is your day going?" As he is flying those products across the scanner.
He replies: "just great, will there be anything else?" he smiles. Not a good one, a forced one.
I said no, he said, "Wonderful, your total is $XX. " I swiped my debit card, signed the console, and that was probably the fastest I have ever been checked out at the Walgreen's. I did wait until I got to my car to laugh so hard my ribs hurt. Poor kid.

Thanks for stoppin' by!


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