Friday, November 18, 2011

Traveling In Oklahoma

On one of the forums I stalk, a question about traveling in the Midwest was posed. The question was: 
I'll be taking a solo road trip this summer from Shreveport, LA to Denver, CO. I'd love to stop a whole bunch along the way and take some great photographs, but I just don't know what there is to see and photograph along my way. I don't have a definite route in mind yet, so if there is something really spectacular a little out of the way, I wouldn't mind taking a detour. I've also considered taking a different route on the return trip, but I just don't know what is out there!
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Apparently a local answered with the Travel Oklahoma Website and a few stops around the state: Turner Falls Park, Red Rock Canyon, Mt. Scott, Black Mesa, and a few stops along our portion of Route 66. 
One of my favorite places to stop is Red Rock Canyon, it is small, quiet, and very peaceful in the wintertime. 
So, any suggestions about your favorite local hideaways? 
Thanks for Stoppin' By!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dad's Pictures and Blasts from the PAST

A couple of months ago, my dad gave me two big boxes of old family pictures.

Here is one of the boxes.

These two pictures were on top.

I think my Dad was probably 16-18 in this picture.
I am pretty sure it is pre-Viet Nam, because I looked at a few of his post-Viet Nam pics and I think he left all of the scissors in Chu Lai.

This family picture was probably taken about 1986, judging from the age of us three kids and the lack of grey in my dad's hair. Oh, and the candle on the birthday cake. So we were probably in Arkansas City, Kansas, when this rockin' Polaroid was snapped.

I am still laughing at the mustache.

Thanks for Stoppin' By!
