Thursday, October 28, 2010


I am so wrong! I know it was bad. I couldn't help myself.
Here is a pic of Jennie's desk.

No Jennie. But it has someone's purse. We will call her 'A'.  She has an annoying habit of being a princess. 'A' gets on Jennie and my nerves.
Did I mention Jennie is out sick today? With Strep Throat?
Well, she is. She called me after her doctor appointment to let me know that that little tickle in the back of her throat yesterday was going to keep her home for a day or two.
So anyways, 'A' comes in today. She flops her purse on to Jennie's desk. Never asks where Jennie is at, just sits down and spreads her junk all over the top of the desk.
She sits down, boots up Jennie's computer, and just moves right in.
'A' then gets up, goes into the workroom, then comes back with a sheaf of papers. She places them in a folder and with a flourish puts the folder into my "New Sale" Rack.
'A' next flops her body into Jennie's chair and says, "now, how do I check my email?"
I tell her, "I don't know, but hey, don't forget to wash your hands when you are done, Jennie is out with Strep Throat today."
Her expression was priceless!
Now, before you get mad about me endangering some unsuspecting person's life, yes, I cleaned the desk this morning right after Jennie called me.
I am not that evil. ;)
Thanks for Stoppin' By!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Reb and Rocks

These are my babies. Most people have kids. We have dogs. 
I love imagining what is going through their minds.

"Whatcha doin?"

"Can I go outside?"

"Do you have cookies?"


Thanks for Stoppin' By!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Weekend with the Parents

I am just back from spending a wonderful weekend with my dad and stepmother.
We went to my cousin's first birthday party.
Poor little guy got icing in his eyes from his little cake.
It was a fun family moment.
I did ride my motorcycle all the way down to their house. It was a wonderful ride. Not real comfortable on the back of my little ZZR-600, but good enough. I can't figure out how to ride and take pictures at the same time, so I did not take any. Sorry.
On the way home, I did find out that the Velcro used to affix our Turnpike Pass to our car's windshields is not strong enough to keep the Pikepass attached to the top of my bike's gas tank. Poor little Pikepass gave it's all, but somewhere between mile marker 45 and the second toll plaza on I-44 headed towards Tulsa from Wichita Falls, that poor little thing just flew off. May it rest in peace.
Headin' to get a new Pikepass,
thanks for Stoppin' By!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Kennels (Update)

We know that My Office is a Kennel. (click there for previous article)
But, did you know that here in Edmond, Oklahoma, you can have your dog's food delivered to you??
This was just delivered to my office for one of my agents:

Huh. Will wonders never cease?
Have a great Friday!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Weekend Plans

Yay! It's Thursday! This week is almost over!
Lots of stuff is going on this weekend.
We have my favorite activity ever: Movie Night at the Rodeo Opry!

Darling Husband's Realtor is hosting a Halloween Party Friday from 7-10. Isn't she cute?

 My company is having their Megabucks party Friday from 6-10.

 Saturday night, Nickelback will be playing the Ford Center with Buck Cherry and Three Days Grace.
I have no pictures for that. Sorry.
The Sooners are playing the Iowa Cyclones in Norman.
We have the Edmond Farmers Market.
There is a Gun, Knife, and Outdoor Equipment Show and also a JW Swapmeet starring motorcycle accessories; both activities will be taking place at the State Fair Park.
Even better:
Saturday, I am going to TEXAS to see my Dad and my Stepmom! YAAAYYY!!! Totally excited! (Darling Husband is staying home with the dogs.) I may even get to see my new cousin's birthday. (We will be celebrating his First!)
So what are your plans?
Thanks for Stoppin' By!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I just took my first highway ride down a major highway.
It was windy.
It was awesome.
It was scary!
I mentioned a few months ago that I took my first trip down Highway 33.
If you would like to see my thoughts on that, please click here: Jen's First Highway Ride. A road that has a 70 mile per hour speed limit. It was a very windy day with winds out of the south and that road runs east to west. It scared me. This was way before we went to Sturgis and had the scary rides through the Black Hills with the 10 mile per hour corners. So my first time down Highway 33 was wicked scary and Darling Husband was a little bent out of shape by it all.
Friday, I tried again. I made it! It was cool! I even did the speed limit and was able to maintain my lane. It was great!
I want to ride down to my Mom and Dad's house in Texas. I thought I would practice and ride down to Cycle Gear in the City. Only way to get there is by big highways. Like Interstates-35 and 44, and Lake Hefner Parkway which merges with I-44 and OK State Highway 74.
I tried the south-bound lane of Interstate-35 Sunday. That was pretty wicked. I stopped a mile later and got off at the next exit because my heart was pounding so hard. It was great! But I thought with my adrenaline going, I would ride across town to Lake Hefner Parkway and take it south. I turned south onto Lake Hefner Parkway where it is still a two lane state highway. It gave me a few miles to work up my nerve before having to ride at 65-75 miles an hour depending on traffic.
Don't poke fun. You try going 70 miles an hour with only a helmet between you and the asphalt in the Oklahoma wind. It takes big calf fries when you have only been riding since June of this year.
So I turn south, and merge with the high speed (to me) traffic on the Parkway. Oh my goodness, I was scared to death. The wind probably was not gusting that high, but to feel the air resistance hit me in the chest was something else.
Did I ever mention that I am terrified of roller coasters?
Well, I am.
The way the wind felt was reminiscent of my first ride on the Texas Giant at Six Flags over Texas.
Thank goodness the road was not curvy like that, but Oklahoma roads are bumpy so between the bumps and the wind, I was very proud of myself when I made it all the way down to Cycle Gear.
My legs were shaking, I had so much adrenaline through my system when I got there.
Obviously I made it there and home safe.
Now, I am totally looking forward to riding to Texas here pretty soon.
Thanks for Stoppin' By!
It was great!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Columbus Day!

Today is a controversial holiday. With the evidence supporting that Leif Ericsson landed on the North American continent before Christoper Columbus, some ethnic and political groups do not support celebrating today. Either way, most financial institutions are closed and I am sitting here drinking coffee.
So happy Columbus Day!

Go discover something new, or at least new to you.
Thanks for Stoppin' By!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Something Lighter

Well, folks, sorry to be gloom and doom today.
Here is something lighter from an email from my buddy, Cowboy Ken:

Yesterday I was at my local Costco buying a large bag of Purina dog chow for my loyal pet, Biscuit, The Wonder Dog, and I was in the checkout line when a woman behind me asked if I had a dog. What did she think I had, an elephant? So, since I'm retired and have little to do, on impulse I told her that, no, I didn't have a dog; I was starting the Purina Diet again. I added that I probably shouldn't, because I ended up in the hospital last time, but that I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive care ward with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and I.V.s in both arms. I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that it works is to load your pants pockets with Purina nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry.

The food is nutritionally complete so it works well, and I was going to try it again. (I have to mention here that practically everyone in line was now enthralled with my story..) Horrified, she asked if I ended up in intensive care because the dog food poisoned me.

I told her no, I stepped off a curb to sniff an Irish Setter's butt and a car hit us both. I thought the guy behind her was going to have a heart attack he was laughing so hard.

Costco won't let me shop there anymore. If there's a moral to this true-life adventure, it is that you better watch what you ask retired people. They have all the time in the world to think of crazy things to say..
Cowboy Ken's Great!
Hope you have a wonderful day and thanks so much for Stoppin' By!

Oath of Enlistment

This brought back memories when I was looking through a box of old papers to be shredded.

I, (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

We had to memorize this at MEPS before we went into the little room with the big flags to be sworn in to the Armed Services. One of the personnel read this and we repeated after him that oath.

Thanks for Stoppin' By! :0)

This week in the news...

Looking back at this week, it has been a weird week.

We have the loons from the "church" in Westboro that feels war death are God's punishment for America's tolerance.

We have the news that the foreclosure crisis may last for years, not just months.

We have a woman with advanced dementia reuniting with her husband here in Oklahoma. (She got lost)

Here in Oklahoma City, one of our residents has been accused of threatening President Obama.
According to KOCO, Mr. Garnett posted to the White House web site's message that he is "going to come up there and blow your brains out on national TV" Kind of embarrassing thing about that, he also threatened Israel's president. It would have been nice if we could keep our dirty laundry in the hamper and not air it for the world to see. Oh, well. What are you gonna do? ( OKC Man Charged With Threatening President - Oklahoma City News Story - KOCO Oklahoma City )

Regarding the foreclosure crisis, I hear that Freddie Mac has ordered a "pause" be placed on the sale of all assets serviced by Bank of America. That is from an accurate source that would prefer to be anonymous.
I did find on the Internet the link following that may shed some light on the subject. (

Yay for the lady who was reunited with her husband. Advanced dementia can be heart wrenching.

Now, for the loons from that so-called "church" in Kansas. I will not dignify them with a name. They do not deserve to be named. In my eyes, they are terrorists and leaders of a hate group and should be prosecuted as perpetrators of hate crimes against the innocent families of our fallen defenders. I shall pray that they see the light and the errors of their ways. May God have mercy on their souls and may Justice see they get what they deserve.

Thanks for stoppin' by...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sylvan Lake Road South Dakota

While we were in Sturgis, on the Tuesday of that week, Darling Husband and I went on a long ride through the Black Hills and around Custer State Park.
We saw some of the most beautiful scenery. This is off of Sylvan Lake Road:

 I really don't know why he thought he would have cell phone service out here.

 I don't know how I feel about this picture.

The view was pretty, regardless.
Wish I was still there!

Thanks for stoppin' by!

Plaza District Festival

Tomorrow, the Plaza District will be holding its festival on a strip of NW 16 between Indiana and Blackwelder avenues. Please see below for more information.

Read more:

Sorry about the long address line. I will try to figure out how to make it look like a "click here" link one of these days.

Thanks for stoppin' by!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Feelin' Old

Sometimes I just plain feel old. Like today. I play music on my computer to drown out the silence in my office. Today, the radio was playing "Long Way From Home" by Foreigner. One of my agents' children came in today. She is 22 years old. She asked me what was playing. I said "Foreigner." Kiddo says, "A Foreigner? What's that?"

Thanks for stoppin' by!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Bikes Blues and Barbecue, 2010

Saturday we went to Fayetteville, Arkansas to check out the Bikes, Blues and Barbecue Rally.

We got up at 5:30 that morning, met at the Valero on Edmond Road at 6:30, and were on the road by 6:45. Oh, man was it early and cold! The temperature guage on Darling Husband's bike did not get over 48 degrees Farenheit until around 9:15 or so. With the speed that we were riding and using the wind chill calculator from , we were riding at about 25 degrees Farenheit until then. Brr!

We rode down Kelly Avenue to Broadway extension to I-40 to Arkansas Highway 23.

Highway 23 is also known as the Pigtrail Highway.

It is curvier than a Coca-Cola Bottle. I really liked the 20 MPH sign. It was not a suggestion.
For this one below, though, it was a suggestion.

I did not take any pictures of us in left hand turns because I did not want to throw us off balance.
Ok, so I was scared. Don't judge. 20 is not a suggestion here. 10 is the suggestion.

We doubled back on our selves on that curve.

Here is Broccoli, next bike is Flip and Flip's girl, then the Redeemed Wolf, his buddy, then Darling Husband's buddy, J.

Always wear your helmets, kids.
We got to Fayetteville around 12:00. Yes, we were going WAY Slow. Stopped quite often. It is really only a 4 hour drive. Unless you go out of the way to take the Pigtrail Highway.

So here is Darling Husband and the Redeemed Wolf contemplating the Kegmobile.
All said and done, we had a good time and we look forward to going next year.
Thanks for Stoppin' By!


I got up this morning and it sure was cold!

So just a short thought this morning:

Before we wait until the last minute to turn our heaters on, we might do a test run on them.

It seems that every year, we all wait and then lo and behold: they don't work!
And neither do the heaters of the other bazillion people in our area, either.
So it is a waiting game for our heater repairmen to get out to our area.
Thanks for Stoppin' By!