Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I love riding my bike to work.

It is kind of therapeutic. Leaving for lunch is not so therapeutic. May Avenue can be kind of busy. Darling Husband laughed at me quite a bit because for the longest time, I would not turn left out of my office parking lot. I can go all the way home and only make 2 left turns. I would go south to NW 150th, turn west, then turn north on Highway 74 and head up to Sorghum Mill and turn back east for a few miles. Left into the neighborhood and left onto my street. Real slow left turns. So the first day I made my very first left turn on to May Avenue was AWESOME! I was totally pumped, it was great.

Now, it is sort of old hat. I still have to work on not stalling out on my hill of doom. But what I want to talk about is going to lunch this afternoon. I went to the home of the golden Arches. I make my left turn on to May Avenue, then I get in the right lane. The restaurant's drive way is kind of rough for a new rider to navigate. I have to go up a hill, cut through the doctor's office parking lot and then make a hard left.

Doesn't sound too bad, does it?

Well, it is not too bad, unless you have someone driving a pick up truck with a fully loaded landscape trailer pulling out at the same time. It gets even better: the driver is a crusty looking old man with a completely confused expression. So he keeps rolling into your lane and swings wide to get the trailer around the corner. So you have to stop, half way up the hill, and you aren't that good at riding anyways, so you are praying that you don't kill the engine, 'cause it is going to be a pain trying to get restarted on a 35 degree uphill approach. Then he stops. He stops in the middle of the road. Then, since you are stopped, because he is blocking the driveway, and trying to keep your bike upright and from rolling backwards, he decides to roll the window down.
Did I mention that you are wearing a full-face helmet? And a pink t-shirt with brown slacks and white and green running shoes? Just checking. 'Cause you are wearing that outfit. Oh, and black gloves.

He rolls the window down and yells out with this totally flabbergasted expression on his face: "Are you a GIRL????"

You nod, irritated, and gun your engine and squeeze around the guy.

Thank goodness going back to work was much easier!

Thanks for Stoppin' By!

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