Tuesday, September 28, 2010


The executive officers of my company have decided that they are going to have a "Megabucks Bonanza" so the agents that don't have a lot of sales can accrue Megabucks.

What is Megabucks, you might ask.

Well, Megabucks is a point system that works a lot like Monopoly. As you make real estate deals, attend continuing education, and use good lenders, you accrue Megabucks. You also get awarded Megabucks for supporting your team on Team Spirit Day (AKA Jeans Day to my co-closer and I). One of the owners has a class on Mondays that the agents can accrue Megabucks for attending. At the end of the season, there will be an auction where the agents can use their Megabucks to bid on items in an auction. Yesterday, it was twenty points to wear yellow to the office.


Tues. 9/28 "30 Days of Crazy Fun" task is: 75 Mega Bucks to anyone having their picture taken with Jen or Jennie holding a sign that says "I love my closers"

Jennie and I are not amused.

Picture by Joyce Manthey of the Linda Finch Team

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