Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I just took my first highway ride down a major highway.
It was windy.
It was awesome.
It was scary!
I mentioned a few months ago that I took my first trip down Highway 33.
If you would like to see my thoughts on that, please click here: Jen's First Highway Ride. A road that has a 70 mile per hour speed limit. It was a very windy day with winds out of the south and that road runs east to west. It scared me. This was way before we went to Sturgis and had the scary rides through the Black Hills with the 10 mile per hour corners. So my first time down Highway 33 was wicked scary and Darling Husband was a little bent out of shape by it all.
Friday, I tried again. I made it! It was cool! I even did the speed limit and was able to maintain my lane. It was great!
I want to ride down to my Mom and Dad's house in Texas. I thought I would practice and ride down to Cycle Gear in the City. Only way to get there is by big highways. Like Interstates-35 and 44, and Lake Hefner Parkway which merges with I-44 and OK State Highway 74.
I tried the south-bound lane of Interstate-35 Sunday. That was pretty wicked. I stopped a mile later and got off at the next exit because my heart was pounding so hard. It was great! But I thought with my adrenaline going, I would ride across town to Lake Hefner Parkway and take it south. I turned south onto Lake Hefner Parkway where it is still a two lane state highway. It gave me a few miles to work up my nerve before having to ride at 65-75 miles an hour depending on traffic.
Don't poke fun. You try going 70 miles an hour with only a helmet between you and the asphalt in the Oklahoma wind. It takes big calf fries when you have only been riding since June of this year.
So I turn south, and merge with the high speed (to me) traffic on the Parkway. Oh my goodness, I was scared to death. The wind probably was not gusting that high, but to feel the air resistance hit me in the chest was something else.
Did I ever mention that I am terrified of roller coasters?
Well, I am.
The way the wind felt was reminiscent of my first ride on the Texas Giant at Six Flags over Texas.
Thank goodness the road was not curvy like that, but Oklahoma roads are bumpy so between the bumps and the wind, I was very proud of myself when I made it all the way down to Cycle Gear.
My legs were shaking, I had so much adrenaline through my system when I got there.
Obviously I made it there and home safe.
Now, I am totally looking forward to riding to Texas here pretty soon.
Thanks for Stoppin' By!
It was great!

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