Again, note the total lack of anything for a passenger. You are not supposed to have a passenger on these. So anyways, they all thought it would be a good idea to go out and check the fences of the property on two of these and the four wheelers. My Darling Husband wanted one of the dirt bikes, of course. So, being that you "go with the one that brung ya," I took a ride with him. Now, where Nick lives is out in the country. He is a farmer. There aren't paved roads to Nick's house. Once you turn off the highway, it is all gravel all the way out to his place. We get on the dirt bikes and four wheelers. No helmets. No eye protection. I can hear it now. Yes, we were stupid! With a capital STUPID! I tell Darling Husband that this is my first real time on a bike. Okay, he says. So we get on a dirt bike and go down the gravel road. He is driving, and I am holding on to him for dear life. Did I mention that there were no foot pegs for the passenger? Well, there aren't. So I am sitting on the back of this thing with my legs flopping in the wind. I looked like an upside down Y. He feels the need. Not the need for speed, mind you, the need to do a wheelie going 60 miles an hour down a gravel road with me on the bike with him. Front wheel goes up in the air, we are riding that wheelie down the road. It was probably only fifty or so feet, but I was scared. I was so freaked out that my feet were going to get caught in the rear wheel, that we were going to go over backwards, or that I was just going to fall off.
I was madder than a wet hen. So mad, that when we came to a stop, I told him that I had no intention of getting back on, he can ride by himself. I am a terrible person, I got on the four wheeler with Silo Jim. That was in July of 1999. I did not get back on a motorcycle with Darling Husband until November of 2009. Now we both ride. Kind of crazy, huh?
Thanks for stopping by!
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